Advanced Battery Systems Consulting, LLC
Passion, Science, Technology and Application

Consulting Work Areas and Services:

  • Product development planning; including project scope, manpower, CapEx budget, engineering milestones and manufacturing quality assessments
  • Vehicle powertrain (EV, HEV, PHEV) development and integration activities
  • Battery System development activities
    • Lithium-Ion, NiMH, Lead-acid and others
  • Legal expert consultant & expert witness
  • Battery safety assessment and development planning
  • Develop robust product specifications as well as test and validation plans
  • Due-diligence research and evaluation for investors and/or prospective buyers
  • Patent research and evaluation
  • Industry research activities and competitive assessment
  • Consumer electronics transitioning to Lithium-Ion technology
  • Energy storage and grid systems

Tutorials and On-site Workshops (sample agendas available):

  • Battery System Design
    • w/ Battery Cell Design (w/ partner consultant)
  • xEV Overview and Powertrain Integration

xEV Industry Report:

Expert Witness and Expert Consultant Projects:

  • ABSC has experience in the following legal cases: (case list available upon request)
    • Product liability
      • Consumer electronics, industrial, xEV covering all battery systems (lead-acid, NiMH and Lithium-Ion and overall product design
    • IP and patent infringement
    • Corporate due-diligence